Click the video above to see an important announcement from the SEHS Interim Band Director.
We hope you are excited about joining the high school band next year! We want to meet you and give you a chance to learn about the high school band program at Southeast. Even if you didn't register for band when you signed up for classes, you can still register for band before next year starts. Please join us for one of the Zoom meetings below.
We will discuss what being in band at SEHS is like and answer your questions about band classes, schedules, honors credit, band trips, marching band etc. You will also get to meet Mr. Carter who will be the new high school Band Director starting in the Fall. If you have questions prior to the meeting, please email Mr. Lewis (Interim Band Director) at
What: Rising Freshmen Band Information Meeting
When: Thursday (4/23) at 7pm OR Tuesday, 4/28 at 6:30pm
Where: Both meetings will be via Zoom at the links below
Thursday (4/23): (Links to an external site.)
Tuesday (4/28): (Links to an external site.)
The password for each meeting is: sehsband